Workplace Motivation: 6 Tips for Motivating your Team During a Recession

Workplace motivation is at an all time low as a result of the dwindling economy. Explore tips for motivating your team during a recession and learn how to keep employees working together to get through it.
workplace motivation

The recession is viral and can spread like wildfire. Few businesses can escaped the effects of an ongoing economic recession. The downturn makes it difficult to manage morale and take care of employee needs. Workplace motivation has plummeted, and things are only threatening to get worse.

Workplace Motivation

It is important to keep your team motivated during this recession. Here are six great tips for motivating your team in the face of adversity.

1. Be Honest

Honesty is the best policy when it comes to motivating your team. Employees will be questioning how their jobs and lives will be impacted by the recession. Don’t sugarcoat the information that you provide. Deliver clear messages and be honest about what is going on in your business.

2. Stop Gossip in its Tracks

Gossip is the number one killer of workplace motivation. Rumors about layoffs, cutbacks, or pay freezes can set your employees’ minds in motion. When you hear rumors floating around the workplace, squelch them as quickly as possible. If something becomes pervasive and problematic, you might have to hold a special meeting to boost team motivation.

3. Get Out of the Office

Motivating your team will be much easier if you all get out of the office and relax. Organize an offsite lunch or special outing as a means of energizing your team and stirring up creativity. This type of team motivation activity may come at a high price, but the positive return will be worth the investment.

4. Listen

Workplace motivation during a recession will also be impacted by things that are happening in your employees’ personal lives. Practice active listening skills and be sensitive to the needs and concerns of your employees.

5. Don’t Let Fear Cause Paralysis

Whenever there is a crisis of any kind, fear is often times a factor that gets teams off track. With the many threats that recession poses, your employees will be extremely susceptible to fear. Don’t let fear have a negative impact on team motivation. Exercise control over the things which can actually be controlled, and dismiss worries about those which cannot.

6. Recognize and Reward Accomplishments

Motivating your team with recognition and rewards for accomplishments is the most effective means of keeping things moving during this recession. While there may not be money in the budget for tangible rewards, a certificate of recognition, thank you note, or pat on the back goes a long way when it comes to workplace motivation.

Implementing a combination of these strategies, and others like shortening staff meetings, can enhance team motivation in your workplace. The most important thing to remember during this recession is that people and relationships need to be managed with care while it is upon us. Keep the lines of communication between you and your employees open so that you can be successful in stopping the spread of fear and encouraging teamwork. While you cannot control the economy, you can exercise some influence over workplace motivation.

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