Holiday Gift Ideas for Employees and Clients

holiday gift ideas

Holiday Gift Ideas for Employees and Clients

When the holidays roll around it is a great time for small business owners to show their appreciation to their employees and to their most loyal customers.

Some, however, are not sure what type of gift is appropriate. Here are a few ideas.

Employee Gifts

Employee gifts should not be too personal, but it is ok to tailor each gift to each employee if you choose.

For example, if you know that one employee is an avid golfer, a gift card for a few rounds at the local golf course is perfect.

Another option is to buy the same gift for each employee. Gift cards to a local restaurant or VISA gift cards are both good options. Of course, a cash bonus will always be appreciated as everyone has extra expenses during the holidays.

Consider awarding holiday bonuses based on salary or the number of years employed.

Initially, these suggestions should be fine for some situations. However, there are certainly other times of the year or cases where other types of employee gift ideas are needed. So, you should consider whether they are for telecommuting employees, a new hire or an anniversary, to name a few.


It is best to deliver client gifts in person when this is feasible.

You (or your salespeople) should stop in long enough to drop off the gift and wish the client a happy holiday. Food baskets that can be shared by the client’s office are a good choice.

Or, if you know the client has a particular interest, you could find a gift that is specific to that. Another thing you can also do to increase the loyalty and interest of your customers is to execute an effective newsletter strategy. This is a channel that should not be underestimated as it turns out to be one of the most direct communications you can have with them.

Don’t Waste the Opportunity

The holidays are a great time to show your appreciation to both clients and employees. Remember: It’s not the size of the gift that matters as much as the thought behind it.

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