How to Choose a PR Rep for Your Small Business

Advertising is good, but publicity is better! When your small business receives publicity for its products, services, activities, or other events, it can be a boon for business. Besides, publicity is free – advertising is not. However, wise small business owners know when it is time to transfer PR duties from in-house to a PR firm or individual who can better handle these promotional activities.

How do you choose the right PR representative for your small business? It’s not as easy as simply seeing who has the biggest ad in the Yellow Pages or has the best website. Rather, take the following into consideration when you look for someone to take over as your representative to the public.

Trust and Chemistry

This may seem trivial, but putting someone in charge of getting your small business in the public eye requires a lot of trust. No matter how much experience a PR person has, you need to be able to trust that person to do the right thing, as well as communicate your intentions and desires for ongoing publicity. Be sure you talk to a number of potential PR reps, and narrow the choices to those with whom you feel most comfortable.

Industry Experience

A PR with years of experience is no benefit to you if he or she has little or no experience in your industry. Be sure you ask potential PR reps about specific industry experience. Check previous references in the industry, and even research past PR work that was successful.

Media Relationships

A good PR rep will have many contacts for different types of media. That includes local and regional newspapers, local to national magazines, local TV, network TV, internet media contacts, and even industry event coordinators.

Find out if your potential PR rep is connected and will be able to carry your message to the right people. Don’t be afraid to call media references to find out how well the PR person has worked with them.

PR is important for your company to get your business message out to your customers. Take care in choosing the right PR for your needs, and hopefully you will enjoy a long relationship that produces positive publicity.

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