Summer Selling Season: Tips To Gear Up For Summer Sales

Below are 5 things that you can do now get your business ready for the summer rush...

Below are 5 things that you can do now get your business ready for the summer rush:

  • Update your Client List: Your best clients are your current and past clients. Create a list of them and try and make sure their contact information is up-to-date. Establish contact with your biggest clients (perhaps arrange a lunch or golf date). In the course of the meeting, you are likely to find that they may have a need for your products or services; they may also know others who need your services as well. Keep your diary handy so that you can write down the information immediately. Tell them about new products, services or updates. If possible, send them a free sample. Remember – these are your big, loyal customers and they are likely to be the key to your continuing success.
  • Referrals: This is the best way to build up your customer base. Customers who come in as a result of a referral are already half won over because your product or service has been recommended by someone they know. The introduction to buying cycle time is likely to be much shorter than with a new customer. Ask your customers if they can call or email the person they are referring so that your task of convincing them to purchase is even easier. You may want to boost your referrals by offering an incentive for any referrals that convert to customers- most people respond to a little motivation.
  • Networking: You should make every effort to attend events (like tradeshows) where you are likely to meet prospective customers, especially if these are events for products and services similar to yours, because these people already have a need for your product or service. Your task is now just to convince them that you have something better to offer than the competition does. You have to be subtle, though, because badmouthing competition is highly suspect.

    Don’t be too aggressive at these events or you could put people off. First attract their attention, then create a need for your product or service, then show them how your business will meet their needs and entice them (with a discount offer or a freebee or free after-sales-service) to place their order immediately. At these events, you should learn to ask focused questions so that you are able to gauge their requirements accurately and then you can tailor your product presentation accordingly to show them how your product fills some need that they have.

  • Direct Mailing: Once you have built up and updated your client list, establish contact with them. One of the most effective ways to do this is by launching a direct mail campaign. Take the time to design an attractive mailer that is not too wordy or confusing, but gives contact details and order details clearly. If you have managed to compile a focused client list, you may even consider breaking your direct mailer campaign into stages.

    Stage 1 is to just establish contact and remind them that you exist. This mailer should whet their appetite for your product and make them curious to find out more. 10 days later, send them the second mailer that gives the features of your product and how it is the answer to their problems. The third mailer should have information on how to order your product – as an enticement, offer a freebee or a discount for orders placed immediately.

    Direct mail can be expensive, but it has the advantage of periodically reminding your prospective customers about your business. If you just send a single mailer, it tends to get thrown out or lost in the clutter of day-to-day life. Follow up mailers help to keep your business in the minds of customers.

  • Telephone Promotion: The spoken word is much more powerful than the written word. It is also direct contact that helps you assess the needs and mood of your prospective customers. However, you should develop a thick skin, as you are also bound to contact some irate customers who will be irritated by your call.
  • Website: Make sure that you update your website and make sure that your website address is displayed on business cards, letterheads, etc. Chances are, if a customer doesn’t notice anything else on a sign or business card, they will remember your company’s website address. An updated website also speaks of professionalism and a successful business – it automatically creates a powerfully positive opinion in the mind of your prospective customers.

So start preparing for the summer selling season right now. The more advance preparation you put in, the better your sales are likely to be.

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