Time Management Tools — Essentials for Success

clock Here's one we all struggle with — time management! It seems like there are never enough hours in the day — or could it be that we're just not aware of how to manage our time effectively? Here are a few tips that I've put together that have worked well for me over the years.

Get Organized– Reducing clutter is the first step towards organization. Clear the mess of papers and books on desks or workstations. Use drawer space well and keep only regularly used files on your desk.

Prioritize Your Actions– you need to identify the things that need to be done now and those that could be delayed for awhile. You need to make a list of all the things that need to be taken care of and maintain the level of importance each deserves, by marking them. Things of importance should be on top, with the others following.

Whatever needs to be done on the same day should be placed in a separate group. Schedule phone calls to be made while you wait at school to pick up your children or while waiting in traffic. In order to stay ahead on upcoming projects, cut down on your TV time and put in a few extra hours of work, to cut down on the last minute stress you could end up facing.

Use Tools You Are Comfortable With– for time management to be effective, you should be comfortable with the tools you use. If a regular calendar works for you, go ahead and use it. If you use a PDA or planner, you should make use of it for jotting down appointments or taking notes.

Efficiently scheduling all your appointments and errands can lessen stress and leave you with more time to devote to other equally important tasks.

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