Turn Cold Leads into Hot Prospects

If you're a small business owner, you know the routine: you get a request for information on a product or for a product sample, which you send out immediately. However, there is no reply some weeks after that. What to do?

Instead of not doing anything, you need to follow up. The customer may genuinely be interested in your product, but may have questions or reservations. They may also want to purchase it some time later.

When the time comes for them to buy, they will finally have to figure out exactly what they want. They may have
misplaced your literature, which could prompt them to purchase the product from another business.

To avoid missing out on a possible sale, you need to be proactive and take the following steps:

Follow Up Regularly: Even though you may not have received anything from the prospective customer, you should follow up with them by sending them a letter or e-mail. You might even want to call to find out if they have any questions.

Update Your Customers: Keep potential customers updated with the latest prices and special offers. Invite them to visit your website.

Ensure that you keep in touch with them for at least 6 months so that you don't miss out on the sale.

Cold Calling: Cold calling is an art. It takes a lot of confidence and practice to pull off effectively. If you decide to use this method, make your message brief and to the point. If the call doesn't result in a sale, end the call by promising to send literature and follow up later.

To turn cold leads into gold you need to stay in contact with prospective customers.

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