Using Social Media for B2B Marketing

Social media has widely been publicized as a great marketing tool to end-consumers. The ability to share information with customers and create “buzz” can indeed be productive. The viral aspect of social media is also great toward public relations and publicity with the general public. However, how can it benefit a small business who markets to B2B customers?

Use it To Pose Questions

Your B2B customers have certain needs, and they also are full of opinions. Use social media like Facebook or Twitter to pose questions to help your business grow. Ask whether a new product in development is a good idea. Ask for suggestions to improve current products. Ask what your B2B customers think of a certain news story or new industry trend.

Make Instructional Videos

YouTube can be a powerful marketing tool for small businesses who sell B2B. Using proper video techniques, a short video may be produced and uploaded that shows how a product works in a business setting, or how a product is manufactured using “green” technology. Videos may also show customer testimonials and how your product solved their problem.

Indeed, video is powerful tool. Be creative and think of ways it can work for you on social media.

Promote Your Internal Structure

B2B customers, more than end-user consumers, want to know more about a company before they buy from them. For instance, a personal relationship with an owner or salesperson can be a big factor in making a large contract decision.

Utilize social media such as Facebook or LinkedIn to highlight your executives and managers. Give some background on their experience and hobbies. This can be a great way to help a potential B2B customer feel closer to your company.


Social sites like Twitter and Facebook allow you to “retweet” or share a certain post from another account member. Use these opportunities to retweet something of value posted by your B2B customers. It will help them know you are thinking of them and value their opinion.

Social networking can certainly help your business grow and provides the ripe ground for B2B interaction.

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