Good Blogging – It Is About Time

There are millions of blogs online right now and many more popping up each day. But for every blog that starts, several more are forgotten about and left behind to gather dust. The bloggers may have started strong out of the gate with half a dozen blog ideas, but then they faltered over time, perhaps drowning in their regular workload…and their once great dreams for a world-changing blog are put on hold for good.

But blogging doesn’t have to take a lot of your time. Here are 3 smart ways to make sure that your blog doesn’t eat away at your time.

ABB: Always be blogging! Blogs are strong because they have an off-the-cuff appeal to them… as if this is late-breaking news. So whether you use a PDA or a piece of paper, jot notes to yourself continuously about blogging topics.

Eliminate a step or two. Download a blogging program that lets you blog at the touch of a button. for example, lets you write a blog in word, press a button and the blog appears on your site. It’s easy!

Blog habits. Before your day starts, while you eat your cereal on your home office, write a paragraph. Make it a habit.

That’s how this blog is written. I’m a busy business owner, like you, but this blog needs to be produced and I’ve simply made it a habit.

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