Small Business Tools for Finding The Right Keywords

Internet marketing gurus all have one strategy in common: ranking for the right keywords! Alas, keyword research is often pushed to the bottom of the to-do list for busy business owners and entrepreneurs. Running a business requires tremendous focus on securing clients and customers and making sure your product or service is in top form. Website optimization through hours of keyword research usually ranks lower on the priority scale.

The good news is that you don’t have to spend hours doing tedious keyword research. The internet is loaded with helpful sites that can change a daunting chore into a fun task. Here are just a few of the top websites where you can conduct your keyword research:

Google Adwords

Almost anyone who has conducted keyword research has used Google’s Adwords tool. Here, you can simply type a word or phrase, click Search, and get a Texas-size list of alternate words and phrases. These results are based on local trends and recent monthly searches, and they show the competition for popularity. The higher the competition, the less likely you’ll stand out in the crowd. Use this to narrow down some great alternate keywords.

Or alternately, type in your business URL. Google Adwords will show you just which main keywords are showing up on your website’s search results.


WordTracker allows you to sign up for free and get access to at least 100 fabulous keyword alternatives. Just enter a generic keyword, or even get specific. You’ll get results of hot keywords that are trending on search engines. For a paid membership with WordTracker, you get even more detailed information on keyword matches and costs for advertising.


At SEMRush, you can enter keywords you have narrowed down to the “short list.” The results give you a phrase match report and a helpful guide to how much the average price per click for the keyword is, as well as the competition ratio on Google Adwords.

SEOBook Keyword Suggestion

The smart people at SEOBook have a great keyword research tool with an easy and free sign up. Their tool shows you suggested daily search volumes from Google, Bing, and Yahoo, and it gives price estimates for PPC.

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