3 Bartering Ideas to Reduce Your Operating Costs

If you operate a business, then you are privy to what it takes to be conscientious of all your expenses. Each month, you are fighting to keep your bottom line in the black. Especially during a recession, it is necessary to cut back to make ends meet. Here are three great ideas that use can use as bartering tools that help you reduce operating costs and help your small business stay afloat.

1. Barter for Office Space

Leasing an office or retail space is one of the biggest expenses for small businesses. Rather than leasing a full office, why not offer to perform your services for free to a company with spare office space? Ask a company owner if you could take a spare cubicle or office room in exchange for doing the company’s bookkeeping, website design and maintenance, or even copywriting services.

If you already lease an office, ask your landlord for a reduced rent in exchange for performing maintenance around the grounds. It might serve the landlord better to agree to such a deal rather than risk losing you as a tenant.

2. Barter for Services You Need

You should also consider bartering for needed services for your small business. Say that you operate a website design business. Every business needs to file taxes. Offer to build and maintain a great website for bookkeeping and tax preparation services. Or perhaps you could re-design an existing website of a financial advisor in exchange for investment advice.

3. Barter for Print

You probably have many printing needs, including letterhead and envelopes, business cards, and other marketing materials. Choose a local printer and offer your services in exchange for these needed materials. Or perhaps you could agree to have the printer put his own advertising plug on your printing jobs in exchange for free or reduced printing costs.

Bartering is as old as time. Don’t forget this classic form of service exchange and get creative in how you can barter your expertise to save on your operating expenses.

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