Converting Prospects: Push Prospects Over the Cliff

Prospects are a cautious bunch. They're reluctant to part with their hard-earned money. Here are several techniques to help them WANT to buy from you.

Prospects are a funny bunch! We consider them quite different from browsers who just wander into our stores or click to our online shops and look around. Browsers shake the merchandise, kick the tires, then walk away. They don’t spend money anywhere because they’re just window shopping.

Prospects, on the other hand, are people who want to buy: they have money in their pocket and a need to be fulfilled and they’re just looking for the right company to do business with. So how do you turn them from prospect into customer? What things can you do to “push them over the cliff?”

Here are a few strategies that can help you do that, whether you operate a retail chain, an ebay store, or a booth at the flea market:


People buy things because they have a problem they want solved. Your job as a business owner is to show them how your product or service solves that problem.

Unfortunately, too many inexperienced business people spend their time telling their prospects about the product and fail to show how the product or service solves the problem. (In salesperson lingo, this is selling features instead of benefits). Features are details of your product: how big it is, how many widgets it can make at once, how it smells. Benefits are the solutions and good feelings your customer will get after using your product.

One classic example of selling benefits is the old saying: “sell the sizzle, not the steak.” Another classic example of benefits over features is this: don’t offer people a drill, offer them a great way to make holes.

Benefits are the way to sell. Insurance salespeople sell peace of mind. Investment reps sell worry-free retirement. Car dealerships sell mobility and status. Business consultants sell improved profits.

Take a look at your sales pitch, your marketing material, and your online content. Do you spend more time talking about features or benefits?


Why do people buy? As we’ve looked at already, people buy because they want needs fulfilled. But there are other reasons, too.

One reason to buy is the urgency factor. People buy now because they are afraid that the deal may somehow change between now and when they will be shopping again. Stores create that sense of urgency with limited time offers, coupons that expire, or promotional items available “this week only.” In all of your sales copy, you should be incorporating some aspect of an increased sense of urgency.

  • “Don’t wait, spaces are booking up quickly.”
  • “This special ends at midnight tonight!”
  • “Tomorrow is the last day to buy at this rate.”

Be available

Customers want to know that if they pick up the phone, someone will be on the other end. At the very least, make sure you have a voicemail or an answering service that can take your calls for you. But more than that, let your prospect and clients know that you’ll be in the office at such-and-such a time (and in this world of the global Internet, be sure to give your timezone!) and you will be taking calls then. And, on your voicemail, assure clients that you will get back to them and give them a timeline that they can expect a call from you.

Peace of mind

Lastly, you want to assure people that they are risking nothing. After all, how often do you make a purchase without first considering “what happens if I want to return it?” People need that peace of mind when they shop and that is even truer if they are dealing with a company they perceive to be a small business.

For example, consider a potential consumer shopping for software online. You offer great service, an incredible product, and a reasonable price, but if they are not assured that you’ll be around tomorrow to help them or that they can get their money back if there’s a problem, they’ll turn to the bigger corporation who offers a lesser product at a greater price.

Ultimately, you want to make more money and you do that by making more sales. These strategies will help you turn prospects into buyers.

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