Small Business Phone: Get the Most Out of Your Business Phone Calls

In this hi-tech age of cell phones, email and SMS, the humble phone is still holding down the fort as an effective and inexpensive mode of communication.

These days, there are so many ways of communicating with customers, employees and vendors. There is email, text messaging and IM (instant messaging).

Even with all the changes in technology, the telephone is still the primary way that most small business owners communicate to run their businesses.

Here are some tips on getting the most out of your small business phone.

Answer Eagerly

You should always answer the phone with an eager tone. Your caller might be put off if you seem disinterested in taking the call. This is one business phone skill you do not want to go with out.

On a business phone call your voice should sound bubbly and cheerful. Avoid doing any other work while talking to your caller – this might divert your attention and you won’t be able to focus on handling either. Be polite and apologize for any delay.

If you have made the call, then introduce yourself and mention your company’s name. Follow this up by asking for the person you want to speak with. Use the correct designation of that person, along with a brief description of the reason for your call.

If the person you need to speak with is not available, then you can leave a message along with your contact number.

Listen, Process – And Then Answer

Another business phone skill is to wait for the caller to complete his or her sentence and then process the query in your mind before answering. This will give you time to think about your answer, and will result in the caller getting the right information.

If you know that during a business phone call you have trouble remembering what people tell you then, write it down on a notepad. If it is possible, repeat the key points of the caller’s question so that there is no misunderstanding. Ask for clarification if you feel that you don’t understand any points.

If you are unable to provide an answer immediately, take down the caller’s details and promise to call them back within a certain time period. Make sure that you keep your promise. If there are other noises or voices disturbing your call, then keep your office door closed or shift your phone to a quiet corner.

A cordless small business phone is a better choice, since you will be free of any entangling wires.

End With a Summary

When preparing to end the business phone call, try to summarize your conversation with to make sure that you are both on the same page. Try to keep the caller’s interest alive throughout the call.

You should also try to ascertain the right time to end a business phone call. This will vary by situation. You should also end your call with a cheerful goodbye and by thanking the caller personally.

Voice Mail Etiquette

You probably use voicemail to take messages when you aren’t there or your office is closed. Even though voicemail is convenient, you should know how to use it properly.

Your message should sound professional and should be recorded in a clear voice. When you do play back your messages, write down all important details before deleting them.

Make sure to call back all everyone that has called you; otherwise, you run the risk of looking disinterested and lacking business phone skills.

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