Laptop Security

Laptop computers are becoming more powerful and affordable every year. This, coupled with their small size, makes them invaluable tools for those who travel on business. But laptop theft is a significant problem.

Laptop computers are becoming more powerful and affordable every year. This, coupled with their small size, makes them invaluable tools for those who travel on business. But laptop theft is a significant problem. A recent survey from the Computer Security Institute showed that laptop theft ranked third on a list of high-tech criminal activities; 58 percent of survey respondents reported losses, totaling more than $6 million. For small businesses with limited funds, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The best way to prevent laptop theft is never to leave your laptop unattended or let it out of your sight. Resist the temptation to set it down when you’re at a pay phone or in a restroom stall, or when you’re waiting in line. When you’re staying at a hotel, don’t leave your laptop in your room when you go out. You can buy security cables (both with and without alarms) that will anchor your laptop to an immovable object. But it’s cheaper just to keep an eye on it.

There are some situations where you can’t avoid letting go of your laptop, such as when you’re passing through airport security. Security checkpoints are popular hangouts for computer thieves, who frequently work in pairs. The typical scenario goes like this: When you put your bags on the conveyer belt, the first thief deliberately sets off the metal detector. In the commotion, the second one whisks your laptop off the far end of the conveyer belt and disappears.

The best way to avoid a situation like this is not to set your laptop down until you’re sure you will be the next person through the metal detector. Keep your eyes on the conveyor belt at all times, and be aware of what the people in front of you are picking up.

Even if your laptop ends up being stolen, you can increase the likelihood that it will be returned if someone finds it. Use an etching tool to write your name and phone number on your laptop — preferably in an inconspicuous place. Keeping a detailed description of your computer and its serial number will help the police trace it if it’s stolen and also make it easier to file an insurance claim in case it is never found. Laptop insurance is a must. If laptops aren’t covered under your existing business or home insurance policy, take out a separate policy.

One simple strategy is to tuck your business card into every nook and cranny of your computer and its case before taking it on a trip. A thief on the run is unlikely to find all of them, and if your laptop is sold or abandoned, the cards will link it to you. Another popular practice among business travelers is to carry the laptop in a case that resembles a student backpack or a traditional briefcase. This may make you a less-obvious target — but keep in mind that experienced criminals probably won’t be fooled.

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