Software Developer Turns to Targeted E-Mail Marketing

A case study on using email marketing effectively. Part of our continuing series.

Diversified Computer Systems Inc. (DCSi), a privately-held software company based in Boulder, Colo., develops and markets 16 and 32-bit Windows terminal emulation/connectivity and 3D graphics software products. Founded in 1984, the company has experienced double-digit growth in each year of its operation.

Developing and selling software products is one of the most competitive markets in business today. With the Internet enabling companies to sell directly to the consumer, companies must focus on attracting and maintaining a strong customer base to succeed.

When DCSi [] recently released a product called Font F/X, a 3D Font Rendering software for Windows 95 and Windows NT, it wanted a surefire way to reach Web site creators and other graphics specialists who would have the most use for the product. Whatever method the company chose would have to accomplish several things; it must alert consumers about the product, lure them to the DCSi Web site and get them to purchase the product or download a demo.

DCSi had never sent out a targeted e-mail message to a large volume of recipients, so they contacted NetCreations [], a provider of opt-in e-mail marketing services, and utilized their PostMaster Direct opt-in e-mail service. DCSi decided to send an e-mail message to 5,000 individuals on NetCreations’ list of Web professionals. The e-mail described the company’s new product and included a link to a special page on the DCSi Web site to count PostMaster Direct visitors. The initial results exceeded the company’s expectations.

DCSi decided to send the e-mail message to the remaining 27,000 names on NetCreations’ Web professional list. DCSi experienced more than 4,000 visits to their site, a response rate greater than 12 percent. Of these 4,000 visitors, approximately 15 percent downloaded a demo copy of Font F/X. DCSi attributes more than 100 sales to that one e-mailing, and they expect that number will continue to rise.

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