Benefits of Getting Fired & Reasons for Getting Fired

How to turn downsizing into an opportunity for yourself.

Transition, the kind that happens when you get downsized (yes, even dot.coms are doing it now) or even fired, is an opportunity. Really.

You will have a chance to take control of your life and determine how you’re going to use the skills and talents you’ve learned so far to your advantage. Turning negative experiences into positive ones is a trait I feel you must have to become a successful entrepreneur. Like our feline friends, you must be able to land on your feet.

There is no greater need for creativity than when you’ve been fired from a job – and I’ve been fired from many jobs in my life. I’ve found that a lot of people are afraid to say they were fired but I am proud of it. It has only helped direct my career.

Maybe being fired has not upset me too much because I looked at the jobs I had as a learning experience, not as the ultimate job. I think I knew early on that I was not a corporate type, yet I needed to learn the skills for later on in my business life so I tried to fit in.

Many times people are fired not for doing something less than required, but for doing more. I was a copywriting trainee my first time. The trainees were to develop an ad for a theoretical product. The other trainees prepared one ad for the project. I, on the other hand, prepared over 100 ads, in color, with illustrations and logotype! It was very obvious to everyone that I had done far more than was expected so I truly expected to get a raise.

Instead, when I went to see the boss he let me go because he said he didn’t think I would ever be happy working with that company. While I was surprised and scared, I learned it was time for me to decide what skills I had and what skills I would need and finally, what I wanted to do next in my career.

If you find skills lacking or just plain want to change what you are doing, either trade skills and talents with other people you know, or get some education at a local college or trade school.

Being creative does not always work in a corporate environment either. The last time I was fired I was Vice President of Product Development for a large corporation. Because I had noticed that the diapers being sold in the market did not fit babies properly, I made it my special project to improve the disposable diapers on the market. I found and patented a way to manufacture form-fitting disposable diapers and was quite proud of it.

When the chairman found out, I was called me to his office and asked if it was true I was working on a new disposable diaper. When I said I was, he said, “Don’t you know that nobody will use disposable diapers?” And he fired me! That was the end of my corporate experience.

The good news is that, in response to my being fired that time, I went on to set up my present company, Simco, Inc., and I haven’t been sorry one bit in more than 30 years!

Article – Copyright 2000 Stanley I. Mason. Syndicated by ParadigmTSA

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