Email Marketing Tips for Small Business

Staying in touch with your customers is an important element in creating loyalty and continued patronage. Should you let a customer purchase something on your website and have no further contact? Absolutely not! Whether or not a purchase is ever made, a contact is always a potential customer. Subsequently, you should develop an email newsletter marketing campaign to stay in touch with those who are interested in your business.

Your email marketing campaign starts with collecting names for your list. However, once you have a growing email database, what do you do with it? Here are a few tips to help you create a successful strategy with email updates.

Make a Good First Impression

When a contact or lead provides you with an email address for the first time, the first few emails are the most vital to creating a lasting impact. You should have an email list tracker that sends a pre-written email the moment a new customer signs up. Then, send one or two follow-up messages a week or two later.

These first few persistent emails will let them know they are important to you, and that you value their business. Then keep in touch with your general email list at least once a month to make the impression last.

Use an Email List Service

It is nearly impossible to collect and manage all the email addresses on your email list. Utilize an email list service to help collect, design email messages, and send them in regular intervals.

Don’t Send a Useless Email

If all you have to say in another mass email message is a change in store hours, ditch it. Sending a mass email just for the sake of it is not worth the effort. When you send email newsletters to your list, the recipients want something of value. Make it a message of a special exclusive sale only to email subscribers. Tell a story about one of your managers or employees. Explain how a product is made. Always provide something of value to your email subscribers.

Your email list could be a gold mine, as long as you know how to make your own emails shine. By keeping your email correspondence valuable, you can grow your business with each contact.

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