How to Keep Consumer Product Sales Increasing After the Holidays

Retailers and online sellers love the holidays. That is because, obviously, product sales increase during this time. How to keep the momentum going is another story.

When the holiday buying rush is over, there are still many ways that you can try to increase your consumer product sales.


Just as some people cannot wait for Black Friday and all of the great sales that it brings, many consumers watch like a hawk for post holiday sales.

Reserve some of your advertising budget for this time and you will be able to reach those consumers who are looking for a great post holiday sale.


You don’t necessarily need to slash prices to draw in the post-holiday shoppers.

Even offering small concessions, such as free shipping, might be all it takes to win their business. Remember to offer consumer product sales immediately after the holidays.

In addition to people looking for deals, there will be consumers looking for ways to get the most from the gift cards they received.

Easy Transactions

The end of the year is a good time to take a good look at your business website to make sure that you sales are as easy as possible for the consumer.

If there is any hassle whatsoever, you could lose the customer. The more user friendly your website, the better chance you have to increase consumer product sales.

Don’t make potential customers endure 30 extra clicks of the mouse to get to their shopping cart. Instead, keep it as simple as possible.

In addition to making your site more user friendly, you can also take this time to punch up the overall look of the site.

Selling your products is easier when you have a professional-looking site that is easy to use.

Superior Customer Service

This should not need to be said, but some small business owners still do not seem to realize the impact that good customer service can have on their business.

Remember that repeat business is an important part of most businesses revenue.

If poor customer service eliminates a portion of your potential repeat business, you are setting yourself up to be less successful.


Does the product the customer is purchasing come in a bigger size? Is there a discount on shipping if they buy more? Is there another product that goes with the product being purchased (such as blades for a razor or a vase for flowers)?

Be creative and find ways to upsell on every consumer product sale.

Post-Holiday Coupons

Another great way to ensure some post holiday sales is to offer coupons before the holiday that are good after the holiday.

In other words, entice those customers who did their holiday shopping with you to come back after the holiday has passed.

For example, you could offer a coupon good for 20% off any one item to all customers who spend at least $100 prior to the holiday. The coupon would be good, for example, from December 26-Jan 31.

There are plenty of ways to help give your post holiday sales a boost. Selling your products after the holidays involves many of the same tactics as selling them before the holidays.

Be smart, and watch your sales increase!

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