Rock Your wURLd

wURLdbook is difficult to explain. You almost have to see the guided tour yourself. At its core, wURLdbook is a free, online bookmarking company: You simply bookmark your favorite sites and they are stored in an account.

But there's so much more. You can subscribe to RSS feeds (so it acts as an online aggregator to collect information you've requested) and you can search within that information and share it. Moreover, you can organize your bookmarks for others.

They describe themselves this way: “wURLdBook is a free hybrid web service that facilitates your ability to subscribe to, manage, and store web based information such as news feeds, and web references. wURLdBook provides tools to easily navigate to frequently visited sites by using custom aliases and search your information reservoir.”

I simply haven't done it justice. Check out the guided tour (no plug-ins necessary, it's just a series of screenshots).

If you spend a lot of time online — and if you move from computer to computer — it's great to have this service to access the information you need regularly.

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