Tips For Turning Leads Into Customers

If you have leads but can't convert them into customers, then what good are they? One of the most-asked questions I get is on how to do this effectively — it's easier said than done, unless you have the experience, like I do!

One of the effective ways to convert sales leads into sales is by reviewing the leads on a weekly basis and determining what follow up action has been taken on leads that have come in.

Write An Interesting and Informative Newsletter and Keep Updating It

In Internet marketing, you work towards directing targeted traffic to your site. Make sure that you have an interesting newsletter that allows the visitor/lead to know about the product when they go through it. The newsletter must be informative and not merely an advertisement for your product. Even if a sale is not made when the prospect first visits your site, the newsletter should generate interest. Your customer will gradually become familiar with you and your product after successive visits to the site. Keeping the newsletter regularly updated is a must.

Categorize Leads into Different Categories

Assess and categorize your sales leads into immediate buyers – those that may buy in about a month's time and those who will buy in around six month's time. Then develop appropriate action plans respective to each type and put them into action. For long-term leads, you may consider the Drip E-Mail system for automatic sending of helpful emails every 2 weeks or so. You should be sure to obtain their permission before you add them to your mailing list, or else you could be in big trouble!

Respond Immediately to All Inquiries

You'd be surprised (as I often am) by the number of companies that don't do this. By giving a quick response to prospective buyers, you can create a powerful experience. The impression that people get is of a serious and honest company or person who is truly interested in doing business with them and is able to promptly help them with whatever they need.

To convert leads into sales, you may write an informative and interesting newsletter periodically. By taking care to give a quick and courteous response to all inquiries, you can ensure the continual growth of your business!

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