Track Your Advertising for Better Results

No small business owner should underestimate the power of great advertising. A good advertising campaign can boost your sales, thereby increasing your buying and expansion power.

There's no doubt about it — effective advertising will drive customers to your door.

Your advertising endeavors should be accounted for in your annual budget. When you allocate sufficient funds for your marketing efforts, you are more likely to adhere to your plan and not waste money.

By setting aside a certain percentage of funds from your sales, you will make better use of your advertising dollars.

Doing It the Right Way

Just because you have launched a new advertising campaign does not mean it is guaranteed to be successful. You will need to keep track of your progress in order to make the best possible adjustments in the future. Keep a record of all your customers and their purchase.

Tracking all purchases made will give you an idea of your customers' spending habits — and it will enable you to respond to their needs. It is also prudent to ask all of your new customers how they heard about your company. This will help you to determine what advertising sources are the most profitable and where you can and should double your efforts.

Your sales data will be one of the most valuable sources of information as to whether or not your advertising efforts are successful. By maintaining a current customer service database, you will be able to keep track of your customers and send them sales information via email or regular mail.

If you find that you need to develop a different plan of action, your sales information will help you to redirect your efforts toward a more profitable advertising plan.

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