How to Become Successful At Business Writing

Business and technical writing can be, in many ways, even more challenging than sales and other type of writing.

With business and technical writing, you must get your point across, which often includes providing instructions on how to complete a task, in terms that are clear and concise.

Here’s how to do that – and do it well.

Dry Writing

With sales writing, you have the ability to tap into the reader’s emotions in order to get the desired result.

With technical writing, there is none of that. In fact, dry writing is preferred. If you are, for example, writing about how to operate a new cash register, you need to keep the reader focused on learning that task.

In technical writing there is no room for humor or anything else that will distract the reader from the task at hand.

All Inclusive

It is also vitally important, whether you are writing manuals, business forms or contracts, that every bit of information that needs to be there is included.

There is very little room for error in this respect.

A Costly Mistake

One business owner spent a week developing a sales form for his sales team to use. He was happy with the form, so off to the printers it went.

Not until the paper came back from the printer, did he realize that he had left out one important bit of information.

“It was too important,” he said. “It absolutely had to be on there, so we had to scrap those and send it back to the printer.”

The mistake cost over $2000 in printing charges.

Grammar, Grammar, Grammar

That sales form might as well have been you staring a potential client in the face.

Would you show up for a meeting with spaghetti stains on your tie? Hopefully, the answer to that question is “no.” Why, then do some business owners think it is ok to send out business forms that are rife with poor grammar and misspellings?

Fix it! It’s always a good idea to have as many people as possible proofread any business writing before it goes to the printers.

Hire a Writer

Business and technical writing is not easy. Successful business writing takes a special set of skills. Many small business owners have found it very beneficial to contract out this time-consuming and often frustrating task.

There are folks who have been tackling business writing for years. Let their experience work for you. This will free you up to continue to focus on growing your business.

Technical writing is something that all business owners must deal with from time to time.

It must be done right or else your business could suffer. If you choose not to hire a professional writer, at least try to have your lawyer look over any business forms or contracts before using them.

Having your work looked over is the best way to achieve successful business writing. This is a great time for small business owners to practice the art of delegating the writing responsibilities.

Even if you are a great writer, remember that successful business writing takes a big chunk of time. Time that could be better spent concentrating on other aspects of your business.

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