3 Key Tips To Improve Your SEM

Search engine marketing (SEM) has evolved quickly over the last few years and is now one of the top marketing devices used by small neighborhood retail stores to major international manufacturers. However, SEM tactics, such as pay per click, is a tricky business and has heavy competition. The best way for your small business to succeed with SEM is to have a sound strategy.

Here we offer three key tips to help you improve the effectiveness of your SEM campaign.

  1. Day/Time/Season Strategy

    Your search engine marketing using PPC may be more effective if you narrow your choices for when your ads appear. For instance, you may find that people who search the web in the evening from 5pm to 10pm are more likely to make a purchase, while those who search from 9am to 5pm are just “tire kickers” doing basic research from their workplace. In that case, choose to place your ads during the evening.

    In addition, keep the season in mind. Follow the big box retail chains for when it is time to switch seasonal gears, whether that is back to school sales, the first appearance of holiday shopping, or the gift-giving lure of Valentine’s Day. Wait for the proper time of day and season to get the most out of your PPC keywords.

  2. Make Them Call You

    Pay per click ads have a high total click rate, but a relatively low conversion rate, usually around 3-5%. However, depending upon your business model, when you look at the efficiency of Pay Per CALL ads, the conversion rate skyrockets, and could be as high as 25-50%!

    If your business model is suited for it, take the time to set up a call center and utilize this more efficient form of SEM. Studies show that people who have a number to call are more likely to make a purchase after talking to your salespeople.

  3. Diversify your Search Engines

    Don’t limit your SEM campaign to one single search engine. Sure, Google is the most popular search engine used in the world, but they are not the only major search engine. You may find that the type of customer who searches on Yahoo! fits your target consumer better.

    Be sure you utilize the SEM from at least three different search engines in addition to Google, such as Yahoo!, Live, or Bing, to give you an idea of which converts the best. In addition, you may find that the other search engines have less competition, which yields more affordable PPC ads for you.

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