3 Strategies for Hiring Top Executives for Your Small Business

A company with a few employees does not have much need for experienced executive management. However, a small company with 50 to 100 or more employees may be on the road to becoming a large company and need the experience and guidance of a top qualified CEO, CFO, COO, and other executives. But how does a small business find the right talent for these important positions?

Utilize LinkedIn

Social networking has grown to the point where it is a useful executive recruiting tool. The social site, LinkedIn is a top place for people to connect and network. Experienced executives will place their detailed profile on LinkedIn, which usually contains as much as a resume or CV, and even more.

Through LinkedIn, you can build relationships with other people as well who can refer you to good executive talent through their networks. Be sure your small business has a LinkedIn account, and keep it updated.

Use Your Networks

Besides using the social network route, don’t forget to use your own network. If you have a board of directors, have them stretch the word about your executive need to other companies with whom they work. Talk to your vendors, your suppliers, business partners, even your customers. You never know where you might get a good executive recruit, and with strong word of mouth, you have a better chance of getting the right candidate with the best qualifications.

Contract an Executive Recruiting Firm

This could be a crucial step in your search for the right executive for your small business. Executive recruiting firms have a wide database of potential experienced talent from across the country. Many small businesses without a large HR department find that this type of central talent brokerage is the right alternative to making a search in-house.

A recruiting firm utilizes a creative methodology using the criteria you provide. Much like a dating service, they can match up the right people for the right job.

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