6 Easy Tips to Create Better Twitter Content

Learn six easy ways you can improve your Twitter updates.

Using Twitter for business is a powerful and effective way to reach a large audience with valuable, useful content. Unfortunately, many business owners think that their Twitter content should be advertising messages that say “Buy My Stuff,” as long as it fits within the limitations of 140 characters or less.

Constructing effective business tweets is much more than just telling your followers to buy your stuff, or exclaiming how great your product or service is. Most of the time, the content you post should benefit your readers, give them something of value, and be interesting.

Here are a few tips to help use Twitter for your business and create interesting business-related tweets that your audience will gravitate towards.

Re-Tweet Other Valuable Posts

One of the easiest ways to update your Twitter business content is to simply re-tweet relevant posts. Be sure you follow other valuable Twitter accounts within your industry and monitor that content. You’ll be surprised at how often you like what another business has to say about an important and relevant topic.

Take advantage of those great business tweets and re-tweet them, maybe with a brief thought of your own attached to it.

You can also re-tweet something your customers say. Perhaps in 140 characters a customer shouts your praise or even posts a link to a picture with your product. Feel free to re-tweet those as well. There’s no harm in sharing a customer testimony.

Create Shortened URL Links

There will be times you will want to include a link to other websites within your tweet. One of the best Business Twitter tips to come around is the invention of the shortened URLs.

Use a service such as Bit.ly or TinyURL.com. These free services can provide you with valuable service that helps you shorten, share, and even track your links. Simply paste a longer URL into their appropriate field, click “shorten,” and you turn a lengthy URL into a manageable character length to help you add more valuable small business Twitter content with each post.

Link to a New Article on Your Website

Of all Twitter tips, one of the most used is the simple link to a new blog post or article on your website. Even after you have posted your new article on your own website, that becomes valuable small business Twitter content.

Shorten that blog URL and update your small business Twitter account with a brief teaser. You’ll want to post the link more than once, but don’t over do it. Perhaps a few times a day for a few days could spark the interest of your various followers. That way, if a follower missed it, she can catch your post the next day.

Link to an Outside Article

Don’t forget to share other interesting articles or blogs. Part of your Twitter tips list is to monitor the Internet for content pertinent to your industry. Use Google updates to give you a notice when something of importance is newly published on the web. When you find something you think your customers and followers would like, shorten that URL and post it on your business’ Twitter account.

Post a Quote

Using your handy famous quote guide, or even an easy-to-find quote resource on the web, look for famous quotes that pertains to your industry. It could be a little ditty about business innovation from Thomas Edison or motivational quotes from Tony Robbins, decide what your audience would respond to the most. The best Twitter tips policy is to always attribute the quote to the individual, of course.

Ask a Question

When using Twitter for business purposes, one of the best content ideas to hit the Twitter fields is simply posing a question to your followers. A question not only gives you great intellectual content, but it stimulates discussion and replies from your followers.

You might ask for opinions on a recent news article. Ask how they have used your product recently or even what they would like to see improved upon.

Small business Twitter content in the form of a question helps you monitor results, see who is reading your updates and posts, and how many replies and re-tweets you get.

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