6 Ways Small Businesses Can Use AI for Content Creation

Using AI for content creation is the new normal. In this detailed guide, we will discuss ways small businesses can use AI for content creation.
ways small businesses can use ai for content creation

Are you looking to improve content creation and management for your small business? You’re not alone.

Thousands of businesses are realizing the importance of organic traffic and the need for original content for content marketing.

Unfortunately, creating content in bulk while maintaining high quality can be difficult. Fortunately, this is where AI content creation can help.

So, if you’re looking to create and optimize different types of content, including blogs, articles, emails, etc., we’ll share six ways small businesses can use AI for content creation and leverage the power of AI for these purposes.

6 Ways Small Businesses Can Leverage AI for Content Creation

1. Use AI-Powered Writing Tools

Today, hundreds of AI-powered writing tools exist in the market, including ChatGPT. These tools generate content based on user input or prompts. You can use them to create:

  • Blog topics;
  • Product descriptions;
  • Landing pages;
  • Marketing copy;
  • Emails.

For example, if your small business specializes in cybersecurity, you can create a simple post on VPN vs antivirus to help readers understand the differences.

However, AI writing tools differ in terms of features, content quality, and other factors. For instance, some are excellent for long-form content. Meanwhile, others are more suitable for social media posts, emails, ads, and landing pages.

So, before you choose one, make sure to assess your content requirements and try different options before opting for any tool’s paid version.

A Practical Example of Using ChatGPT for Content Creation

So, if you want to write an article on VPN vs. antivirus using ChatGPT to help readers understand the differences, you can provide the tool with a simple prompt, such as:

“Please write a blog post on the key differences between a VPN and an antivirus. It should be a thousand words long, and the tone should be informational. The main keyword is VPN vs antivirus and should be used at least once in the first paragraph and in conclusion.”

2. Personalize Content With AI

Due to the sheer competition in every industry, businesses of all sizes and niches need a different approach to attracting customers and creating value for their brands.

With the aid of artificial intelligence, they can collect critical data on their customers and segment their target audiences for personalized messaging.

AI can process large amounts of data in real time, enabling small businesses to leverage different demographic, psychographic, and behavioral factors when designing campaigns.

For instance, you can generate content that considers factors like gender, income, location, purchase history, and more. The more personalized your content is, the greater the chances of engagement and conversions.

A Practical Example of Personalizing Content Using AI

Lemlist, an AI-powered email personalization software, allows you to use text, image, video, and website variables to make your email stand out and increase response chances. Variables include logos, website screenshots, product videos, and even simple landing pages.

3. Optimize SEO With AI

Search optimization AI is one of the latest technologies storming the digital marketing industry. The technology analyzes the relationships between websites, internal pages, and SERP rankings.

Search optimization AI can help you identify search opportunities in different markets. Using the information, you can find the right topics to address with unique content. Moreover, since traffic isn’t created equally, it can help ensure improved page maturity with dynamic optimization and refreshed linking.

For instance, AI SEO tools like RankIQ, Outranking, and Frase can create topic clusters that answer user questions authoritatively. Moreover, they can conduct website audits and improve content automatically.

A Practical Example of Optimizing SEO Using AI

RankIQ uses IBM Watson’s AI to examine the top 30 articles on search results to find low-competition keywords you can include in your posts to rank faster. You enter the keyword in the search bar and generate a report. Next, you post your article, web page, or blog onto the optimization page and include the supporting keywords.

4. Use AI for Content Curation

Content curation is one of the most important aspects of content planning and creation. However, many businesses agree that this process can be time-consuming and exhausting.

With artificial intelligence, you can organize and classify different types of content based on certain criteria, including topic, target audience, industry, etc. Curation aims to help you find and share content more easily with your audience.

Many AI content curation platforms, such as Flipboard, Sniply, and UpContent, help you put together blog posts, videos, newsletters, emails, and other types of content based on interest using machine learning algorithms. Hence, creators can save time in finding and organizing content.

More importantly, they can cut their research time and focus more on creating relevant content for different audiences.

A Practical Example of Content Curation Using AI

UpContent, is one of the most popular content curation platforms that allows you to organize your blog and article collection for resharing or repurposing on different channels. From the search bar, you can search for content by topics that matter most to your audience. The platform’s proprietary AI crawler scours the web to find the best articles for your needs to the forefront.

5. Analyze Content With AI

Content analysis is an indispensable aspect of content marketing in the final stages of creation. It allows you to monitor your campaign’s success, fix any issues proactively, and bridge all gaps in your strategy.

However, content analysis can be repetitive and time-consuming, especially for small businesses with limited expertise and time. With AI-powered content analytics tools like Hubspot, BrightEdge, and Concured, you can import text, video, and audio and streamline, automate, and accelerate analysis with machine learning.

A Practical Example of Content Analysis Using AI

Hubspot AI content assistant uses OpenAI’s GPT model to help content creators ideate, create, and share digital content instantly. The tool also features several useful features for analysis. For instance, you can use the adaptive testing feature to optimize traffic distributions when testing different page variations.

Similarly, you can use AI data cleansing to avoid duplication, errors, and other issues that affect data integrity.

6. Content Profiling

Content profiling is the process of organizing and categorizing web pages according to user interests. With AI, you can analyze your site traffic to see how your existing content affects users and the buyer’s journey.

AI tools like ScrapeStorm, Octaparse, and Diffbot can also help you crawl your site to find content that needs expansion, optimization, or updating. Overall, AI can help small businesses better understand their content performance.

A Practical Example of Content Profiling Using AI

With Diffbot, you can categorize your web pages or blogs according to different areas of interest. This allows you to track user behavior as they navigate through the site to see which type of content they interact with the most. With this knowledge, you can understand their interests and devise more content around it.

Wrapping Up

The rapid growth of artificial intelligence-powered solutions is set to transform the content creation and management process.

With the right tools, small businesses can improve every aspect of content marketing, from profiling to production, optimization, and personalization.

Now that you understand the benefits of AI content creation for small businesses, the next step is to find solutions specializing in each process.For more posts related to business technologies and practices, tune into www.morebusiness.com.

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