Holiday Party Alternatives

Office Party Alternatives

Many businesses have started to trim their holiday party budgets. Some eliminated the celebrations altogether while others downsized the parties.

If you cannot afford to put on a holiday party for your employees, there are other ways that you can acknowledge the season without breaking the bank.

Small Gifts

Presenting each employee with a small gift, such as a ham, gift card or even a modest bonus, is a good way to show your appreciation to your employees without having to spend as much as full-blown holiday party would cost.

Bonuses are especially appreciated as everyone has extra expenses around this time of year.


Some employees have begun to hold a catered lunch, during working hours, in lieu of an after work party.

Even a very nice catered luncheon is not going to cost as much as a party. Also, by having a luncheon during work, you are likely to include more of your employees.

Not everyone is going to attend an after work party, but all employees will likely take part in a celebration held during working hours.

Additionally, you will be treating your employees rather than then entire families of your employees.

Extra Time Off

If your budget is so tight that there is no room for any holiday treats, consider giving your employees an extra day or two off of work.

The day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, the day after Christmas and New Year’s Eve are good choices for extra days off. If you can, close the office completely and give yourself a little holiday treat as well.

If you can’t afford for everyone to be gone at once, allow the employees to choose which day or days they would like.

That way you can give everyone some extra time off without having to cease operations entirely.

It’s the Thought

While all employees would love a fat bonus each holiday season, just knowing that they are appreciated is often enough.

Find a way to show your appreciation. The results can last all throughout the year!

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