Book Review: Customers for Life by Carl Sewell

Some books I have reviewed in the past are ones that someone has lent to me. It's only the rare gems that I add to my growing library of business books. When a book is good — really good — so good that I'll read it again and again and again — will I add it to my personal collection.

Customers for Life is a book I've had for a while. And although I've read it through several times, I plan to read it again. Each year.

Sewell was an automobile dealer. That doesn't sound like a big deal to many people but he became the top luxury automobile dealership in the U.S. based on his commitment to customers. He believed that you don't just sell a car to someone once, you re-sell that customer numerous cars over that customer's lifetime. And it was service that brought the customer back again and again.

Sewell's book is easy to read and full of wisdom in a way that rivals Harvey Mackay. Sewell understands that customer service is not about one aspect of the business (like saying yes to any request) but in every aspect of the business. So in his book he talks about the qualities you want in an employee, he talks about dress code, he talks about offering jaw-dropping service, even in teaching your customers about what good service from you looks like and how to deal with customers who are wrong.

It's a fault of mine, but I was skeptical when I picked up the book for the very first time. After all, as a successful online business-owner, what can Cadillac dealer teach me that is relevant to my business?

The answer is: quite a lot.

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