Can Launching A Blog Still Help Your Small Business?

Blogs were the “in” medium a few years ago. Before the huge explosion and demand for social media where you could get micro-bites and small chunks of updates from friends, family, and other interesting people, there were blogs. People followed, read, and commented on their favorite blogs, and they even decided to start one of their own. Businesses found the value of blogging as a way to attract customers and improve their SEO with regular blog posts and updates.

However, now that the blog frenzy has switched to social media sites, can a blog still work for your business? The answer is “yes” if you start a blog with a strategic plan.

Start A Blog For Free

Blogs are easy to start and maintain with free online hosts like Blogger or WordPress. This means you do not have to outlay any money to get a blog started. Simply open an account with the blog host of your choice and start making updates. Or install the free WordPress software on your website’s server, add a link to your navigation bar, and begin blogging away right on your website.

Do You Need a Separate Blog Domain?

If you are starting a new online business, it is easy to incorporate a blog as your main business website. If you already have a business website, tie your blog into your business website domain, such as “”.

If you do start a new blog as your business website, opt for purchasing a full domain name. You can reserve a domain name for just a few dollars a year, and blogging hosts can guide you step-by-step on how to tie your domain to their blogging program. This will help your customers remember your URL much easier than depending on a long name tied with Blogger or WordPress in the domain.

Choose a Simple Yet Attractive Theme

A blog host usually provides a long list of themes for your blog. Choose one that is business-like and attractive. Avoid themes that are too flashy and are difficult to navigate.

Start Blogging and Promoting

The next step is to write blog content. There is not enough space in this article to explain the finer details of blog content, but be sure to post regularly, incorporating your keywords into the title and throughout the text. To bring traffic to your website, announce new blog posts on your social media with a teaser line.

Getting people to read your business blog can be a great way to stay in touch with more details, like a regular newsletter. Show your readers how your products are made. Share triumphs in your business. Write posts that are helpful to your customers. Your blog readers will remain loyal if you provide a blog with value.

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