4 Digital Transformation Principles You Can Apply in Your Business

Digital transformation focuses on the use of digital technologies to recreate a process with the objective of improving efficiency and effectiveness.
digital transformation principles

Digital transformation focuses on the use of digital technologies to recreate a process with the objective of improving efficiency and effectiveness. It transcends a simple replication of an existing service in a digital form, and involves the use of a technology or various technologies to remake a specific service into a new and upgraded version. Digital transformation creates a service that is superior to the one you had to begin with. Let’s look at four essential digital transformation principles that you can apply in your business.

1. Overall Digital Embedment

To maximize its success, digital transformation should be embedded across your entire business. Integrating it into the overall business and making it a part of your marketing strategy can be a game changer. You need to not only use it to make work and providing services easier, but you need to ensure that your employees embrace the digital change and are equipped to use this new technology. Take care to also market the benefits that the digital transformation provides for your business, that makes it better than your competitors. Creation, manufacturing, marketing, sales and support are all aspects of a business that should have a level of digital transformation.

2. User-Centricity

The needs of users/customers should be a priority when developing or modifying a service. You should take into account the experience that the user is expected to have while using the service. It’s important to know what the digital transformation does for users/customers. Discover what people need from the service that you’ll provide prior to modification is key. Identifying and understanding customers’ digital friction points and using that information to successfully solve their issues is essential to the process. Ultimately, intelligent user experience will improve engagement, loyalty and conversion. A digital transformation agency can facilitate your user-centric objective.

3. Security

Cyberattacks, including hacks, breaches and viruses can have devastating consequences and impact your business in a serious way. Security should be a top priority for you in this  changing economy and technological age, where cyber criminals use new threats to circumvent your business’ security. It is crucial to not only protect your business, but to also protect your customers and avoid security issues and vulnerabilities before they happen. New levels of security should be an integral part of all facets of your business environment to improve security standards and risk management.

4. Agility

To avoid going through a transformation every couple of years, agility in technology and process should be central to your business operation. This approach goes beyond simple IT and impacts operational processes, to include key concepts, such as de-coupling that creates a modular, service oriented architecture, where computing components are separated, allowing each to function independent of each other unless there’s a system re-write; rapid application development (RAD) that can figure out requirements, build prototypes and test ideas regularly; and cloud services, that allow you the ability to access as much computing resources as needed, on demand, and also to scale as you desire easily and quickly.

The economy and business world continues to change, and it is up to you as a business owner to decide if you will  get on board with the changes. Business success may demand that you adopt digital transformation principles, whether you find it convenient or not. The future is now, and digital transformation is here to change the way you do business.


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