Increase Advertising ROI: Advertising Effectiveness & Response

Advertising can be one of the most powerful tools to influence people's choices and preferences. When done properly, it can significantly boost the sales of a product. Here's how to use advertising successfully and double your response.

Advertising is a paid form of communication through a non-personal medium by an identified sponsor in which the message is controlled by the advertiser. It is based on the AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action) formula that deals with attracting the attention, arousing interest, creating desire and finally secures action on the part of consumers.

Despite employing good advertising tools, results are sometimes not up to the mark. In order to avoid such situations, advertisers need to keep the following points in mind:

Advertising Is Power: Advertising is often considered to be one of the most powerful tools to influence people’s choices and preferences. If the advertisement is designed in a pleasing manner, people tend to identify with the products through the ad itself. Otherwise, it can have a negative impact on the sale of the products, as well as the advertising agency that designed the ad.

Advertising Costs Money: Advertising involves a lot of money – therefore it is important to use a medium that can get the message across in the best possible manner.

Ways to Enhance the Response to Advertising

In order to enhance the response to your advertising you need to modify certain aspects of your advertisement copy such as the words, colors and the size of the ad. Besides these, you can:

  • Market Effectively: Marketing is one of the most significant aspects of advertising that depends on identifying the right target market. It can be achieved by determining the needs and demands of a particular target group.
  • Select the Correct Medium: The medium through which the message is being conveyed plays a crucial role in enhancing positive response. An advertiser needs to keep in mind that advertisements with heavy ad copies should be published in newspapers, whereas products that need demonstrations should be displayed on television, to achieve the desired response.
  • Time Slot: The time slot often changes the fate of an advertisement, as well as the sale of the product. For example, if you telecast an ad related to children late at night, then you will never get a favorable response. Instead if you advertise in the evening or during the day, you are likely to get the desired response.
  • Add an Interesting Headline to Your Advertisements: More often than not, people tend to scan through headlines and do not read the entire advertisement. Therefore, it is important to add an interesting headline that can summarize the complete advertisement and get the message across effectively.
  • Determine the Right Price: It is important to set the right price for your products. If you quote high rates, people will not buy them and if you quote a low price, the products will be discarded as low quality. Therefore, it is important to determine a suitable price for the advertised goods, services or ideas.

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