Small Business Management Considerations

Every small business has to have good management in order to run properly. Your job includes more than day-to-day operations.
small business management

By reviewing the following management considerations, you can determine if you have strong enough skills to properly manage your small business.

Ask yourself each question and see where your strengths and weaknesses are – but also note the facts provided as they are suggestions that you can use for your small business that will save you time and money.

Small Business Management – Attitude Counts

Attitude is a big part of managing a small business. Is experience the key to success? Can a small business survive with poor management? Is your experience related to your business or not? Go from business owner to a boss.


  • Experience is vital, even if it is through related skills
  • Poor management equals business failure
  • Good management equals business success

Becoming a Good Small Business Manager

Being a good small business manager is the key to the success of your business, but do you have what it takes? Consider an accelerated business management course.

Should you listen to your employees suggestions? Should you set an example for your employees? Should you address your employees’ grievances privately or not? Should you work less than your other staff? Who is ultimately responsible for a company’s failure, the manager or the staff?


  • Always listen to suggestions
  • Set an example by being punctual, accurate, polite, respectful and hardworking
  • Address any issues with employees privately
  • Always put in as much or more work than your staff as they will follow your example and respect your management style and competence
  • As a small business manager, you are responsible for your small business – any issues within your business and the people working for you

Operations Management

Running the general operations of a small business or any company takes entrepreneur skills, dedication and hard work.

Whether you are a single business owner or have many small business managers to deal with varied operational aspects, you will probably be responsible for everything that happens.

What methods will you use to operate your day to day business? What records, reports and other paperwork do you need to produce to show the business is meeting expectations?

You will have to make sure that each operation is being completed appropriately, successfully and that any issues that need to be addressed are taken care of.

When you are managing your company’s operations, you will need to make sure that you keep good records. This means tracking expenses, inventory and purchases. Whether you are the primary operations manager or not, you’ll also have to keep track of your clients – and this means making sure they are happy and taking care of any complaints or other issues that may arise.


  • Single or otherwise, delegate someone to manage all managers and staff
  • Create a business operations manual
  • Create a filing system for all records, invoices, forms and all records as listed above
  • Hire an accountant to manage your business financial needs
  • Keep records on everything and all receipts
  • Reorder equipment and stationary in advance of the need to avoid having to interrupt business operations – but do not over order
  • Track stationary use and equipment use to ensure there is no wastage
  • Recycle what you can to be reused within your business

Running and managing a small business isn’t easy. By taking the above small business management considerations into account, you’ll do it that much better.

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