
Salary Calculator

Salary Calculator

Use this free salary calculator/salary converter to calculate your annual earnings; or see your hourly, weekly, and monthly earnings. Consultants can also use this wage calculator to convert hourly rate into annual income.

sports apparel business plan - free download

Sports Apparel Store Business Plan

Sell high-quality sports apparel at your own sports clothing store. Get started by writing a successful business plan! Check out this sports apparel business plan sample to get your business start.

Simple Loan Interest Calculator

Simple Loan Interest Calculator

This simple calculator will help you calculate your monthly loan payment and your total interest charges. A great tool for your business or personal loans.

Loan Amortization Calculator

This free loan calculator is a great tool for your business. Compute your loan payments at different payment intervals and create an amortization schedule for your business.

Remote Contributor Proposal

Responding to a request for proposal for a remote contributor? Create a remote contributor proposal with the guidance of this sample proposal.

New Product Announcement

It is important to let your consumers know of a new product that your business will offer. Tell them ahead of time by sending out a press release announcement.

Confidentiality Agreement Form

Most businesses will need to have a confidentiality agreement for one reason or another. Use this sample to craft a confidentiality agreement for your business.