Why You Should Help Your Employees Move Up

Why You Should Help Your Employees Move Up

A small business owner in Virginia only hires administrative and other hourly employees that she feels could eventually move up within the company.

College Campuses

She starts her search on college campuses.

She finds graduating students that are interested in working in her type of business and then hires them for positions such as receptionist or delivery driver – with the understanding that they will have the opportunity to move up if they prove themselves.


This situation is ideal for both graduate and business owner.

The graduate gets their foot in the door in the line of business they are interested in and the business owner gets a sort of test drive with the employee before trusting him in a more important position.

It’s better to find out that they are going to call in sick twice a week when they are stuffing envelopes rather than managing accounts.

For the graduates, it gives them a chance to get a taste of the business to learn if it really is what they want to do.

The Payoff

By hiring graduates, you will be able to get a feel for their work ethic, attitude and willingness to learn.

If it turns out they are great employees, try to begin moving them up quickly so as not to lose them to another company.

Also, be up front with the graduates about what you expect from them. Also, let them know, realistically, when they can expect to be moved out of their initial job into something with more responsibility.

This is a great way to find the best employees while helping new graduates begin their own journey to success.

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