Your Small Business – Going Green

Your Small Business – Going Green

Many large corporations have made the decision to go green by fixing up some of the areas in which their business practices were having a harmful effect on the environment.

Some small businesses wish to follow suit and are finding their own ways to help the environment.

Here are a few simple tips to get you started.

Cleaning Products

Some cleaning products have an adverse effect on the environment. A simple switch to products that are earth friendly, such as the Method brand, can help.

Paper Products

Using recycled paper is a way that you can have a major positive impact on the environment.

Businesses use a LOT of paper. While recycling costs slightly more, the change is worth it for its green value.

Obsolete Equipment

Instead of throwing out old office furniture, computers and cell phones, donate them.

Take furniture to thrift stores, and find charities that are looking for computer donations.

Battered women’s shelters in many communities are always on the lookout for old cell phones that they can give to abused women.

Buying Used

You’ve decided to recycle your old stuff, why not buy used as well?

Buying used office furniture will save you a LOT of money and help the environment at the same time.

Unplug It

When you leave the office for the day, you probably turn off the lights, but your office is still using power. Anything that you leave plugged in, even if it is not on, is using energy. Plug equipment into power strips.

At the end of the day, turn the equipment and power strip off and unplug the power strip from the wall.

Just these few small changes in your business can have a big impact. Examine your small business to see how you can have a positive impact on the world around you.

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