The Importance of a Brand Positioning Statement as a Part of Your Product Release Plan

Simplify your product release but amplify its performance with a great brand positioning statement. Start by choosing the right positioning template.
brand positioning statement

Your company is all set for the launch of your new product. You have spent innumerable hours taking care of all the marketing surrounding the product release. You know your target market, and you know why your product will succeed over your competitors.

So, what should be your first step to make your product release a success?

A brand positioning statement.

What exactly is a brand positioning statement?

A brand positioning statement is a simple and short statement that describes your customers and explains your product. A well-developed positioning statement instills into your customer’s mind a product perception in the way you perceived it to be.

Why is a brand positioning statement important during a product release?

A brand positioning statement serves as a guiding tool for your product marketing strategies. It is important that your product aligns with your brand values at every stage. This consistency is crucial to maintain your brand value and inspire trust in customers.

A brand positioning statement ensures that any organizational effort surrounding your product is in alignment with the brand.

Consider the following positioning statement example by a bookstore:

BookPecker gives you access to handpicked books on world history. With us, you’ll find an exclusive collection not available elsewhere. Our books are available in-store and online.

The above statement succinctly puts forth the uniqueness of the bookstore and what the customers can expect from the store.

In addition to serving as an internal guidance tool, a brand positioning statement helps accomplish key objectives during a product release:

Gives a clear picture of your product to customers

A brand positioning statement describes the target market for the product. It tells customers what they can achieve with the product. The statement also explains the different channels through which the product is accessible to customers. It also explains why your product is different from others.

Creates brand awareness

A strong positioning statement creates a compelling picture of the uniqueness of your brand in your customers’ minds. This perception of differentiation promotes better brand awareness. The statement helps convey the value of your brand to your customers.

An understanding of product differentiation enables customers to grasp the reason behind your product pricing. As they understand the brand value better, they are more likely to be willing to pay more for better benefits.

Ensures a successful product launch

As a guiding tool, a positioning statement gives you clarity regarding priorities when you are surrounded by marketing and branding efforts for your product. With priorities clear, it becomes easier to navigate through product release planning.

A solid positioning statement requires you to analyze the industry, market, as well as your product strengths and drawbacks. This comprehensive research gives you invaluable insights into your product, target market, and competitors. As a result, you can anticipate potential business challenges and take steps to prevent them at the outset itself.

This extensive preparation enables you to create a niche for your product in the market faster and with greater accuracy.

With everything organized and its place, your product release is well set for success.

Branding and products – Using story mapping for best positioning statements

Ask marketers about the best positioning statement example, and they are more likely to quote the classic examples of Amazon, Nike, and Coca-Cola.

What makes these brand positioning statements unique and impactful?

The best positioning statement strategies always focus on stating user benefits rather than describing product features. One of the most efficient ways of creating such successful brand positioning statements is through story mapping.

Story mapping, also called user story mapping, is a mapping method that focuses on user interactions with a product. This method uses simple tools such as sticky notes and sketches instead of hard technical jargon to explain the benefits that users experience with the product.

This method describes a user’s journey with the product at every stage in the form of a story, which gives the method the name user-story mapping.

Story mapping begins at the product development stage itself, where the team describes user actions using the product in concise sentences. The actions are described in a story format.

The first half of the story explains how the user interacts with the product – the activities the user performs using the product. The second part of the story talks about the benefits that the user experiences with the product.

The entire method is focused on user experiences and benefits. As a result, the product developed is in accordance with the users that will use it. This focus on user experience at every stage of product development maximizes product value.

The positioning statement that unfolds, as a result, connects instantly with users as it tells them how they can solve their problems with the product.

A story map is not rigid. It evolves with the product. A map is usually the first stage of product development. But it can be used at any stage to gain clarity on user needs and revise product requirements accordingly.

With clarity, priorities can be set aptly, and risks can be discovered sooner. You can ensure that your product release delivers maximum value to users.

In conclusion 

A great brand positioning statement happens when you are able to identify the product experience you want your customers to have. Such great positioning statements enable your internal team to create a product that delivers your vision of a great product experience.

Simplify your product release but amplify its performance with a great brand positioning statement. Start by choosing the right positioning template!

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