How To Go Viral on TikTok: 4 Effective Tips

TikTok shops have emerged as a game-changing opportunity for numerous e-commerce businesses. Learn how to go viral on TikTok and more here.
how to go viral on tiktok

Social media has become an integral part of a successful marketing campaign. With huge amounts of users, each platform offers certain benefits. Hence, most brands focus on how to go viral on TikTok. Wondering why?

TikTok platform rapidly increases its importance for brands by offering brand awareness, generating leads, and boosting sales numbers. Hence, other social media platforms offer relatively the same benefits.

What makes TikTok stand out is that brands can achieve viral success very quickly with TikTok videos. That is why brands target TikTok marketing and are looking for ways to learn how to go viral on TikTok.

If you are looking for guidance to go viral on TikTok, here are three easy tips to boost your brand’s TikTok performance.

4 Tips on How to Go Viral on TikTok

TikTok platform offers a chance to go viral instantly. The path to going viral is also relatively simple compared to other platforms. How so?

If your account is gaining followers, getting more engagement, and generating user interaction, it is only time to go viral on TikTok.

TikTok is a social media platform based on short-format videos. Therefore, metrics for measuring an account’s success based on very few metrics, such as;

  • Followers
  • Views
  • Likes

Here are four essential tips for how to go viral on TikTok.

1. Gain Followers

When you think about how to go viral on TikTok, the first thing to aim for is establishing your brand’s trustworthiness. The easiest way to build trust in the TikTok community is to have many TikTok followers. TikTok content creators should aim to create engaging videos for a target audience and boost their fan base on TikTok.

One of the most common misconceptions is aiming for a broader audience when creating engaging content. Targeting a specific niche concept with a huge following is the key. Don’t create content that has millions of similar copies.

To gain followers on TikTok, check for;

  • Current Trends: Check for trending content in the latest trends to know what is popular in the video platform.
  • Participate in TikTok Challenges: TikTok challenges are an excellent way to engage with your audience and present yourself to other TikTok users.
  • Understand and Interact with your Audience

A solid TikTok audience will boost your videos to reach a wider audience. It may seem hard to achieve a huge following, or if you are wondering how to do so, do not worry. The next step is understanding how the TikTok algorithm gains these important followers.

2. Understand How the TikTok Algorithm works

Like other social media channels, TikTok has its own algorithm to show the best possible videos to its users based on their interests. Every TikTok user has a unique feed based on three metrics;

  • Engagement
  • Interest
  • TikTok content

As mentioned above, user engagement is crucial for a TikTok video to go viral. A TikTok video needs tons of engagement to be considered viral.

Interest is another important metric. There is a reason why goofy dog videos go viral. How many times a video has been watched, average watch time and overall time are all indicators of whether your video is interesting.

How the content is created is also crucial for achieving viral status. The algorithm favors content that uses trending hashtags and songs, has a compelling story, and has its own audio compared to other videos. Aim to create high-quality videos using all the tools that TikTok is provided.

3. Be Consistent and Have a Schedule

Creating engaging content, increasing your followers, and trying to make the TikTok algorithm happy are essential to be viral on TikTok. To achieve viral video success on TikTok, the last thing to do is have a solid plan. Frequency and timing are crucial elements of posting videos on TikTok.

Have a consistent posting schedule and post regularly; TikTok analytics will reward those who post frequently. It will also show you when the video performs best results.

Determining the times and days for posting will keep the target audience happy as they get reliable and quality content from your channel.

Furthermore, TikTok’s algorithm loves consistency; a schedule will keep you in the feed and, therefore, increase your chances of going viral on TikTok.

To Summarize, how to go viral on TikTok has a simple answer.

  • Gain followers and keep them happy
  • Keep up with the algorithm expectations and create videos accordingly ( such as adding trending audio)
  • Follow the trends, check up with what other creators are producing, and constantly upgrade your own
  • Have a solid schedule for posting, and be regular

Viral videos contain all of these elements. Keep doing the right thing and go viral instantly.

4. Create Videos to Match with Algorithm

As you consider how to go viral on TikTok, here comes the most crucial step. The importance of followers for a TikTok account and how the TikTok algorithm works is crucial for going viral on TikTok, all explained above. To go viral, a TikTok account must create high-quality content.

TikTok’s algorithm favors those who value video quality. Check on what other TikTok creators do successfully to see what type of videos the audience is engaged with, but keep your TikTok content original.

No matter what type of video content you may produce, consider adding;

  • Relevant Hashtags: Adding niche hashtags to your video will increase engagement with other users with similar interests. Popular hashtags will allow you to slide into TikTok trends.
  • Trending Music: Popular music is an essential part of a successful video. You don’t have to produce dance videos to add music. Trending sounds in your own videos will generate viral success.

The format of the video is also important to go viral on TikTok. The video length is very important; keep it short and engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Aiming for TikTok Video Success?

For starters, TikTok had 1.5 billion users in 2023. It is an impressive number for a social platform.

For Businesses, the TikTok platform offers a chance to increase their brand awareness, sales numbers, and overall reach. That is why it is essential to add TikTok marketing to a marketing campaign, which could have a significant impact on the results. It is cheaper for a business to focus on social media marketing channels rather than traditional marketing.

For Individual content creators, TikTok could be an excellent source of income. The chances of going viral are much higher than other platforms due to its format. Creating short videos is much easier than other forms of content, and the algorithm is much more creator-friendly.

Overall, putting efforts into the TikTok platform could have huge returns for businesses and content creators.

Could TikTok Ads Increase Video Performance?

Organic traffic is the most important and welcomed interaction that increases content success. Hence, gaining organic traffic requires time and effort.

Even if the results are more permanent, organic traffic is a long-term investment that cannot increase content performance instantly.

Paid traffic from the ads focuses on directly increasing the content’s performance. Ads are all about increasing the metrics you selected and performing according to what you feed to them. Therefore, ads are great ways to gain short-term results and establish a solid base quickly.

Overall, ads could increase a video’s performance in the short run, and organic traffic makes it permanent in the long run.

How Many TikTok Users Should Watch it to be Considered as ”Viral Video”?

Well, there is a huge difference between a viral and a popular video.

Generally, a million views is enough to label a video as popular or trending in TikTok.

To be considered viral, a video needs to generate around 10 million views.

Reading these numbers could be scary, but even a one-second view is counted, and as mentioned above, TikTok has 1.5 billion users.

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